Friday, March 11, 2022

Fears grow in the dark.

 Fears grow in the dark, and so does your anxiety that is why most if not all of the world is in a state of doom. We seem to have lost the way to stay in the light. We have let anguish, and just pure raw emotion take over our every being. The darkness has consumed us, and we rather cower in fear in the dark, under the covers afraid of the light. we don't want to see daylight or face the weight on our shoulder's. We don't want to labor, or pay bills, because we stayed up all night talking to our demons about how life is so hard and unfair. Although you feel they are the only ones who still care and comfort us, all they are really doing is feeding off our every word and as they grow so do our fear's and our anxiety. Yet you stay in the dark, with thoughts of anger, sadness and hate. Fear becomes anger and rage and more fear, and the cycle just keeps going and going and going. You know the light is there, but you can't seem to find it anymore. Love, is where the light grows and brightens, and shines, but where is the love, where is the compassion? All that is lost and you along with it. No, my child the love of your creator will always be with you, the love of your parent's or sibling's. Self-love, and love for others, search and you will find. Find and you will again see the light, out of the darkness and into the light, there's no better saying then that. 

Tarot Card Update

  October 2023 is the month of my first Tarot card reading to another person ever. I must say I had been wanting to read the cards to someon...