Friday, November 17, 2023

Tarot Card Update

 October 2023 is the month of my first Tarot card reading to another person ever. I must say I had been wanting to read the cards to someone else for quite some time, and I was so impressed with my spiritual connection with our ancestors. I impressed myself even if I was confident that I could do this. Reading my own cards for almost a year, I was always spot on with what the cards would reveal. Now I'm even more convinced that this is one of the thing's I can do well. I can feel my calling with wanting to do this for me and for others. I keep teaching myself and understanding what all I can do with this knowledge and craft. I'm not going to lie when I first started reading them to myself there was times it would scare me, because bad thing's were happening in my life or the cards would tell me about bad thing's that were coming into my life. I would stress and I would stop reading them for a long period of time, but with time I would see how it eventually helped me. I would start grabbing on to my faith and go deep in prayer, and seeking guidance from all that is Holy, I would think and find way's to avoid the bad or find way's to better my situation so that I can change thing's in some way. So now even if the cards give me a bad reading I use it to my advantage, and the more I learn to read them and understand the meaning's they are helping me control my emotions, anxiety, and decisions in life. So back to the reading I gave, I was asked by one of my son's best friends more like one of my son's if I could read him the cards. He is someone who considers me as a mother and has always come to me for help, advice and comfort. I was delighted to do this for him and excited because I've been wanting to read the cards for someone else. He has been going through so much these past few years and I thought this would give him some help and guidance. I'm not going to go into to much detail because this is his personal life, but I will say that the cards were spot on in all that they revealed. The reading wasn't face to face, it was through video camera, I asked him for his full name, birth date, and as I shuffled the cards I asked for guidance to the spirits and ancestors. I asked that they would give him guidance, clarity and peace of mind to whatever troubled him. The cards revealed exactly what he was already feeling and going through, the reading gave him guidance to what he needed to do going forward, even if he knew those things were going to be hard to do. He got emotional and let so much out that he had bottled up inside. The craziest thing about it was that after the reading he sent me some messages sent to him while I was giving him the reading about things we had talked about in the reading. I was convinced at that point that the spirits and ancestors are with me and I can definitely continue to practice this craft. They are with me guiding me when I call upon them, and I will only get better with each reading I give. He asked me before the reading how much I charged, and said he didn't have money, but of course I didn't charge him. Maybe at one point in the future I will, but for now practice makes perfect. The cards have told me I have the means and the power to do this kind of work. I know it will all fall into place one day. Till next blog Love & Light 💗

Sunday, October 15, 2023

New Journey

 New Journey or a calling is how I would describe me wanting to explore tarot card reading's. I've only practiced them on myself, but OMG I get goose bumps every time I read my cards. I mean talk about spot on! Everything I know, and I've known and don't know about myself just comes to light every time I read my cards. I've always been drawn to things like this since I was a child. I believe in my mighty God No doubt in that, but I also believe in many other things. I believe because I have seen, felt, and known that all these spiritual belief's and practices exist and at one point in time they came to be and became created by some kind of spiritual happening or person that believed in it. So they exist to guide us and help us along our life Journey. Of course God has the ultimate say in our life plan and Journey, and we should only look to him for guidance, but now these supernatural and spiritual forces have been called and invoked by people looking for guidance in their ancestors and other holy beings. People with some kind of power or spiritual attachment to the unseen, where they feel, sense, and gain knowledge where others can not. Blessed with some kind of Devine spiritual power. Since I was a kid I knew I felt some kind of bond with many things not of this world, and not all were holy, they were also dark and scary. I believe in light but also darkness, I know and feel good and evil all around me. I believe and seen the angel of death and I have felt the holy spirit of God in my entire body. I have worshiped the devil and then returned begging God for forgiveness. I respect both sides because I know they exist and what they can do. So I started this practice and I'll tell you the last time I did it my whole body was shaking with fear. I was in a dark place at that time and I knew what they were going to tell me. I prayed to God after that and I stopped reading them for a while. I read them again last week because God eased my fears like he always does and I wasn't afraid anymore, I was seeking guidance and my faith was strong, because of God, because I seek him first and he gives me the courage to not be scared anymore. It is hard to be in a bad place in your life and read the cards, because if your anything like me, you already know what they will reveal. Although I know that this can bring me fear, it also brings me hope, awareness and guidance. I'm drawn to it and I can't seem to ignore the calling. I'm eager to see how good I become at it, and see where it will take me. 

The beginning

Friday, March 11, 2022

Fears grow in the dark.

 Fears grow in the dark, and so does your anxiety that is why most if not all of the world is in a state of doom. We seem to have lost the way to stay in the light. We have let anguish, and just pure raw emotion take over our every being. The darkness has consumed us, and we rather cower in fear in the dark, under the covers afraid of the light. we don't want to see daylight or face the weight on our shoulder's. We don't want to labor, or pay bills, because we stayed up all night talking to our demons about how life is so hard and unfair. Although you feel they are the only ones who still care and comfort us, all they are really doing is feeding off our every word and as they grow so do our fear's and our anxiety. Yet you stay in the dark, with thoughts of anger, sadness and hate. Fear becomes anger and rage and more fear, and the cycle just keeps going and going and going. You know the light is there, but you can't seem to find it anymore. Love, is where the light grows and brightens, and shines, but where is the love, where is the compassion? All that is lost and you along with it. No, my child the love of your creator will always be with you, the love of your parent's or sibling's. Self-love, and love for others, search and you will find. Find and you will again see the light, out of the darkness and into the light, there's no better saying then that. 

Tarot Card Update

  October 2023 is the month of my first Tarot card reading to another person ever. I must say I had been wanting to read the cards to someon...